Interview with Phive 6
Meet 28 year old Brendon but better know as Phive 6 a new upcoming artist out of New Hampshire.
Where’d you get the stage name Phive 6?
“I chose the name “Phive 6” because I am five foot and 6 inches tall! I felt that was the best way to authentically represent myself. It also rolls off the tongue when you say it. People seem to like it.”
What was it like growing up in New Hampshire?
“As a kid growing up in New Hampshire there was always something to do. I used to skateboard, and play basketball. I live in one of the biggest cities in NH, but the music scene here favors a certain type of music, and kinda disregards everything else. There is so much diversity as far as creative outlets, but it lacks unity. So for me I have to outsource, and build my own lane, & wave. As I’ve gotten older, I have distanced myself from my old friends. I have lost friends due to drugs, or morality in differences. Now I keep my circle tight.”
What got you into making music?
“When I was a little kid in my parents basement I would always lock myself down there basically, and at point I was tryna learn how to play guitar, and bass. I also was writing a lot of poetry. I wanted to start a band, but it was a silly dream at the time. I didn’t get into hip hop until high school, and I didn’t record my first rap until 2010. So I’ve been at it a while I guess you could say.”
Could you see yourself doing anything else? If so what?
“Believe it, or not I actually would love to get into voice acting for cartoons, or anime. Even modeling, or movie acting. I do have other passions (photo). I guess I could say there’s a lot I want to do. I’d love to write a book someday. Yeah, there’s a lot, but I’m taking it a step at a time. Music is for now, and dealing with all the b.s that comes with music is a headache, but I just roll with the punches for now.”
Did anyone inspire you to start making music?
Well like I was saying in an earlier question, I wanted to start a band before hip hop. I grew up listening to Sum 41, and I have always idolized Deryck Whibley (lead singer of Sum 41). His voice isn’t the most perfect singing voice but he makes it work. I’ve seen Sum 41 live a few times , and yeah. He’s the main guy I’ve truly idolized. Through all the adversity, and troubles/trauma. That was the genesis for me. I never dreamed of being a rapper. Its just something I got good at.
What are your goals for 2020?
“One of my main goals for 2020 is to elevate my songwriting. I know I can rap well, but if you can’t write a good song then what’s the point? You know what I mean?Another goal of mine is learn Reiki 1 (if you don’t know what that is, Google it!)A good friend of mine that I’ve met was my lifesaver basically. Even if i don’t reach the Reiki goal this year…as long as I level up my songwriting I’ll be a happy camper!”
Listen to his music here!